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Sam: -he's on his way to school as well tehn-


Sam can actually see Nim's true form-all magical beings can. All the other mortals ignore him though-to them he looks human, he's learned how to disguise himself. 

(1 edit)

Sam: -he notices but just puts his hood up, and tries to hide his wing behind his backpack-

well- now ima describe some shit-))

so uh one wing= barely any feathers. one stud of a wing. his ears have feathers and he has ram horns. thats all.))

also- its all white))

His angel wing is completely intact, but Nim's demon wing is torn and tattered, edges scorched. He puts his head down and self consiously tries to move his hair further over his eye to cover his burn mark, keeping his head down. 

Sam: -dude just tryna seem the most human, hide amongst the humans--

As is Nim. He ends up being in the same class as Sam. 

Sam: -he's siting at his desk when he sees nim come in- -mind: well, crap-

Nim glances up and sees Sam. His eyes widen for a split second before lowering his head and sitting in the very back, shoving his hands in his pockets 

(i just picked my nose, realized what i just did, and found out what a disgrace i am to man kind-)

Sam: -he just laying his head on the desk, hiding his face-


Class hasn't started yet, and the teacher hasn't shown up. Nim decides it's better to speak up. 

Nim: ...It's no use trying to just avoid each other...we know what we are.'re not with them...a-are you...?