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(1 edit)

I know I'm late but I guess that I will explain who I am O-O

Heyo! Its Mother! aka: Mumsy Mummy and -uh O-O I forgot the rest but oki

I like a lot of things though I'm not good at them (which is probably why idk what I want to be O-O) 

My name and profile pic is of Michiko from Michiko e Hatchin (really good anime I think u should watch :D) 

I keep leaving this game often 'cause my brain keeps forgetting O-O and life is ✨ b u s y ✨

But I do like it here 'cause you guys take my worries in life away :D anyways this isn't a story its about me O-O anyways -uh...I can't think of anything else about meh O-O I'm a pretty boring person I guess .-. welp...lemme think....I like gaming? And watching anime? I'm really anti-social O-O -uh...well...maybe not...idk O-O I just try to stay away from people 'cause they always hurt my feelings :D but then again I am REALLY sensitive O-O I'm a cancer :D My favorite roblox game is Criminal vs Swat and Arsenal and Imposter...My favorite Xbox game is Minecraft 😎 anyways -uh my favorite playstation game is Little Big Planet O-O -uh....idk O-O does anyone else have anything else about me that I either forgot or don't know about???? :O I almost forgot! I'm the kind of mom that would beat kids up if they hurt my kids :D

thats a good anime vive onylseen four episodes but its good

ye :D