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Kwami: Snow Leopard
(if i could I would have drawn on more spots on face and limbs and made the eyes different but this is a great start!) 

Name: Paxon

Personality: Calm and collected

Transformation: Paxon,  pounce out!

De-transformation: Paxon, hide out!

Miraculous: when deactivated, it looks like a round, silver pin but when activated, it appears to be a snow leopard's face with it's tail surrounding it and bright blue gem stones for eyes. Spots on tail fade out as time runs out.

specialty: stealth

super power: Magic word= camouflage: can go nearly invisible for a short period of time to sneak up on opponent/ gather info. if they stay camouflaged for too long then they de-transform. (Only a total of 5 mins available)If they make contact with anyone or anything, power is deactivated for a short period of time

weapon: close combat fist fighting but also maybe brass knuckles?

superhero name: Ghost