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I'm sorry you had a bad time. Was there anything in particular you didn't like? The more specific you can be, the more we can improve.

As for being a "leftists wet dream", did you miss the part in the game where Euryale brings with her an AR-15 which she had to steal because she couldn't pass the background checks?

All the main characters and their motivations very atypical politically by American standards. Spoons, based on a real-life historic figure, for example, is an anarchist.

Whether you sit on the right or left, the realities certain parts of history are dark and universally disdainful. But what if you could change them?  What if you could make a difference and what would be the consequences?  This story tries to answer that question.

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You aren't wrong.  Slavery was practiced everywhere.  But Euryale is going back in time to stop the war -which slavery was a major cause.  Hence the need to undo American slavery.  I can't say much else without spoiling the story, but history is a complicated thing to change in the ways you want.  There are always unintended consequences.

I hope you'll check back in future updates as the story develops further.

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