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Hi, i dint know how to reach you in coursera to answer your question, so i hope u can see it here.

Once again good job on the game.

As for the question you asked me in my work, i simply created a script that translates the Foreground Damaging game object in the Y axis at a constant speed. 

the script is very simple, in the update function i have this line 

this.gameObject.transform.Translate(new Vector3(0, 0.5f*Time.deltaTime, 0));

this ensures the object this script is attached moves in the Y axis at a constant speed, i was also gonna speed it up  via triggers as the games went on, but didnt had the time. 

Hope this answers your question

Hey! Thanks for the kind review, really appreciate it. 

Also, neat solution! It never struck me to simply move the entire layer. It's a great idea, thanks for sharing it!