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Imma get her disc. rq


ok i got it 

Name: Amber

Age: 28

Sibling(s): Younger sister, Kiara age 17, and younger brother , Samuel age 6.

Occupation: Hanging out with her sister or babysitting her younger brother.

Likes: Most people

Dislikes: Mean/Rude people

Description: Oh she’s mute and deaf haha.

oop- oki I gotta think about this one....


I gotta go to sleep so gn

oh. I just made the character but GN! We can do it tmrw.

I’m back now

Eita Myoga (first name meaning Crystal last name is literally just japanese ginger)

Age: 30

Sibling(s): none

Occupation: robot doll thing

Likes: flowers and cherry blossom trees

Dislikes: idk bruh.

Desc: people thought robots couldn't have emotions or think for themselves and they could only do stuff through programming but Eita is a robot who has a brain (not a real one) the creator of Eita is unknown but Eita's knowledge is wide and his thoughts are natural and human.

ok u start me friend

✨Eita is walking down the street with his fake wand,  admiring it✨

Amber is at her moms small store infront of it reading a book bc yes