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I can help clear things up!

The plaza is supposed to be a large white box, so no problems there, other buildings are models, (gray) and you can put them almost anywhere, you can make rivers and such with waterscaping, (you can make them as wide as you want) bridges 3-5 is how long they are, (3 blocks, 4 blocks, 5 blocks) you can terraform and use water scaping to make a waterfall (by clicking the edge of a cliff w/ waterscaping), and you can use numbers to switch from tool to tool, (1 - waterscaping, 2 - terraforming, 3 - paths, 4 - buildings, 5 - inclines/bridges, 6 - fencing).

To erase rivers, simply go over them with the waterscaping tool. (I'm not quite sure if you can erase cliffs yet..) 

To delete buildings press 5 (buildings), press the pink trash can and select the building you wish to delete.

Same thing for bridges/inclines.

To erase paths, go over them with the grass path.

Not sure if you can delete fences.

Use (A, S, W, D) or (arrow keys) to move.

Since trees and rocks aren't in this program yet, I use certain paths to represent trees, bushes, flowers, bamboo, rocks, and furniture.

By pressing (M) you can hide your map, by pressing (G) you can add/remove a grid, by pressing (F) you can zoom in, by pressing (R) you can zoom out, by pressing (T) you can change the grass's color. (press (B) to get a model of Bob dancing)

Round out cliff edges by clicking them again with terraforming, round out river edges by clicking them again with waterscaping, and round out path edges by clicking them again with the same path.

That's all I could think of, I hope this helped clear things up!