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Mothu doesn’t like it

to bad school is the path to succeeding in life

98% of school is waste :|

yeah but u can use all the 98% of knowledge to become a millionaire since you got an awesome job 

or u could be homeless

i dont even want to be a millionaire-

i want to live in small house near the woods or in the country and play games with my family all day.

plus- you forgot the 2%

to bad, if you dont go to school you cant really get a job and you wont be able to live in a house

and you wont be able to get a scholarship to go to college and get a masters degree so you can get a good job and get paid loads of dough

dude you're not listening-

2% of school is useful. meaning you can get a job and live somewhere comfy- doesn't have to be big- and be happy-

sure if you want a big time gig or something like that you could do the extra lessons and stuff to help you but with 2% you're fine-

and not all homeless people didn't learn enough to get a job maybe they were retired and had no money left or they drove all way out here for something but they didn't bring enough money to get more gas.

most homeless people are veterans

i remember the time my mom and I were trying to dude outside of the dollar tree some food and someone inside the dollar tree called the fucking police and the dude got taken away

wait why were they taken away?

fine :(