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The gameplay is extremely addicting! It took a while to get the hang of at first, but eventually you start to see the patterns.

Pausing the scroll on every match is a nice touch, I feel like it gave me time to quickly scan the board to find other matches so I have a better shot at keeping the screen clear. 

The square spell was also nice, I found keeping quads of stones "ready" to go incase I needed an emergency clear was really helpful.

The visuals and music are great too. And I love the main character's design.

The only critical thing I have to say is that some difficulty options would be nice to see in the full game. The current rate the speed increases feels extremely overwhelming sometimes. It'd be nice to be able to slow it down.

Glad to see you guys reached your funding goal on Kickstarter, I hope you do well!

Thanks a ton :D

We're working on a difficulty update for the demo since we're still early in the kickstarter campaign! Thank you so much for the feedback!