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I think we should do more mgm on the mgm comment board lol. MHA OCCCCC!

Name: Mizuki Sato

Villain name: Bloodshed

Quirk: blood puppet

pretty much bloodbending from ATLA and LOK but at any time she please like that dude from LOK

Personality: tyrannical, rude, insane (sometimes) and a strategist

Likes: blood blood blood blood blood B L O O D

Dislikes: peace and nice stuff in general. She thinks it's "too wholesome"

Fav food: sashimi and shrimp and octopus

Fav drink: Bloody Mary (the cocktail not the urban legend)

Preferred weapon: anything sharp

Theme song: Natural -Imagine Dragons

Quote: "the world is shit. So I'm shit too. And so is everyone else. Face it. We all have a dark side bitch."