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(1 edit) (+1)

This was definitely one of those games that I have never played before.: finding a public toilet when you actually feel the great urge to use one! VERY unique! The distinct stories each "guards" had were intriguing and the difference in background colours were very useful in elaborating on the anxiety one would feel when finding a public toilet. However, one way to slightly improve the game may be trying to intensify the tension within the game. The fact that the player has sufficient time to go through each stage decreases the anxiety one would feel. Surely, if you are in desperate need to use the toilet, you would not really have the time to carefully make each movement and listen to all of the stories the guards had. Maybe including a 10~15 second timer may be effective in intensifying the game. If the player runs out of time, the avatar is at the risk of peeing in its trousers. Other than this, I believe that the game was very interesting!