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I squeezed my chest in an attempt to cry in a different form of tears than the water that commonly falls out of my eyes. 

I failed, I cried. 

I felt twice the pain I believe I was supposed to and somehow it felt reassuring. This game strongly conveys all the characters' emotions, and I, for one, was not planning on missing a single display of them. In a story where the desired ending remains untouched by explicit mentions of death yet death depicted enough to be clearly understood, I wished for life. I hoped so strongly that the hiker would hold their head back up, I hoped so strongly that the hiker would have a good ending where they run away with no downside, but oh, what a lesson I have learnt at 1am on a Wednesday: no matter how hard you try, you can't always have a good ending. 

Honestly I couldn't get enough of this game. Somehow I feel like I've been punched in the face repeatedly, but warmly embraced immediately following that. 

Thank you.