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(3 edits) (+1)

On the Jack questline, where do you find the old man to give the Stout Stout to? I assume the part of the forest you "formerly couldn't progress in" is the maze south and then east from Jack's house, where it loops back to the start unless you go into the correct direction, leading to the forest with the green trees then the darker grey trees if you pick the right direction, but I've gone in all 4 directions of the maze and can't seem to progress from that part. I've looked around the island for another forest too and can't find anything ;( I even tried running into the killing fence inside the forest lol (loading back afterwards, so the old man definitely didn't go missing)

Also loving the game so far <3

(1 edit)

Hi ninedaydecline, you're exactly right and on the right track for where to go. I pulled a rather cruel trick in this part in that, when you reach that section of forest where none of the directions seem to advance properly, there's another direction you've been "taught" not to go, but which is actually the correct path for that one screen/area of the forest maze.

In case that's confusing, the pattern through the repeating forest maze to find the old man is SEWN, where North is assumed heading up, South is heading down, etc. and it's the one where you're supposed to head West that is a bit of a cheesy trick on my part for players, since heading West on any of the other parts of that area takes you back out of the forest maze.