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Its a beautiful game with a lot of heart in it. It is an experience that I will not be forgetting for a long time.

The writing in the game is brilliantly done. It will make you laugh and cry. It will make you love the characters and make you love to hate some characters. Which, are very expressive and well drawn. Each of them will have their time in the spotlight. The player will find someone in this game that they can relate to. Speaking of the art, the backgrounds are beautiful as well and can be quite hypnotizing at times.

Accompanying the art and brilliant storytelling is the amazing soundtrack. M Bulteau knocked it out of the park with this. Each theme fits the character its for and a lot of them are bops. It will make the player feel genuine excitement at times.

Its a living breathing town with its own secrets and it was joy to discover what makes this town tick. The relationships between the characters, the houses, and its lessers were great fun to learn about. And the mystery surrounding it all made me feel on edge at points and gave me a lot Ah Ha moments.

I've played a few visual novels but never one with multiple endings so I will definitely go through see the others at some point. The game makes me want to. 

Looking forward to the next game by Shiny Vacation. If this says anything it's that it will be great.