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This reminded me of the game Ghost Trick which has a fate altering possession mechanic and was one of my favorites. I liked the direction that you went for in having objects behave differently to trigger different reactions. The music is nice as well! 

A bit of key control description would help and I think there were a lot of co-workers in the game all dying pretty simultaneously. If you were developing this alone, maybe reducing the employee count and polishing on the co-workers' AI would make the workload more manageable.

Overall, I think you should keep polishing up on this concept, I see a lot of potential in this.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you! Definitely looking on polishing the game up in the future with a few of the others who worked on it with me. We missed out on a few things due to time crunch that led us to pivot our focus, but I'm super happy with the result from a coding perspective. Never seen/heard of Ghost Trick before but I'll give it a look. Once again, I appreciate the feedback!