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What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

Puppies are cute and this game is fun to play. It works like stocks market, which is easy to understand.

The forecast and prediction system is cool and increases the randomness. There is a line graph for the price of each dog which is useful.

Cute animation and clean UI. It takes some planning to get a high score on the game. Many decisions to make (pretty fun!).

The idea of this game was quite unique. Almost stock buy and sell type but in positive way.

the idea connect puppy price to stock is super clever

The game aesthetic is very nice. The choice of music was very relaxing. The idea to use dogs was very funny.


What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

Maybe the game can calculate a person's asset at the end of 30 days.

Maybe add more factors or data to interact with the prices.

Personally, I think 30 days may be a little bit too long. It is probably more fun if each round is shorter.

I think if the background had something like grass and the puppy can actually play around and the puppy grows every 5-10 days. This will make complete game.

maybe the puppy can reproduce or train

It's really hard to tell what you're supposed to be doing at first. The instructions are really vague. I think that as a whole needs to be cleared up.