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What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

The UI looks the same as a tweet and this makes the game cool and neat.

The aesthetics of this game are really on-point, it really feels like NYU's official twitter account (*shudders*). Perhaps because I am a long-time twitter user, I find that I have a pretty good sense of relative hashtag popularity and can actually reason my way forward in the game. Some hashtags are super weird, surprising or cringe, which adds some data-driven flavor.

The concept is very interesting and it is fun to guess the answer. I learned that I should not trust my instinct...

They did a good job in incorporating popular data into the game. It is fun for those who often use twitter and care about trends.

Easy but fun to play. I think it can be a pretty fun party game.

This game could be great party drinking game. It is almost complete as it is. Impressive how live data is seamlessly flow into the game with no delay.



What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

I am not a twitter user so it is a bit confused for me to select from 2 hashtag that I never heard about.

A difficulty ramp based on the difference in popularity between the two candidates would make the game feel less arbitrary. Showing real example tweets of the winning/losing hashtag would add some extra spice. Perhaps you could add a "follower count" (i.e. score) which grows/shrinks depending on the correctness of player guesses.

Maybe it will be better to visualize the answer, showing bars instead of numbers.

Maybe add more ways to play around with these data. For example, given some tags, let the player list the tags from high to low.

The UI can be improved. Also, it is better if the game can provide more feedback to reward a right answer (to make it more addictive).

Some of illustration could be better to be more User Interactive.