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(1 edit)

If there's a will there's a way ... android system is somewhat open-source, similar to what windows used to be, with some knowledge few programs, scripts you can hack/tweak every single aspect of your system ... just saying.

There are no limits to human imagination and such to our creativity ... everything is possible.

I'll give you one example ... Once upon a time in a distant past I had a computer with original "bought" version of GTA SA (it's long been forgotten/lost with my computer). Feeling nostalgic and instead of paying twice for a game I once bought I required pirated modded ported version of SA (actually all GTAs) 4.68Gb apk. This game Harem Hotel (with a help of a friend) turned out to be 1.89Gb, many other APKs originally designed for computers modded/ported with various sizes 1,2,3+Gb.

But I will stand with the creator  Runey, he can release this awesome game in form (windows, Android, Linux...etc) or size. What he needs is our support and if you're not happy with the OS, size ... etc then you find your own way as long as you come back and give the credit\support for its original creator. Thanks, have a Great Day.