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A few things:

• Your visuals and audio don't quite aid in creating the atmosphere that you're likely after with the horror or even action atmosphere. The music, in particular, is definitely not representative of what's happening in the world. In some places, silence would've served you a lot better.

• No item descriptions for the Bandage and the Energy Drink.

• Maybe it's just me, but the random encounters are a tad too plentiful. When I went outside, it took me 4-5 battle encounters just to get from the upper end of the building to the lower ending of the building.


• A lot of things you shouldn't be allowed to walk on: some blood splatters on the wall, small rat holes in the wall.

It's a really great start, honestly. With a couple of visual and audio changes, you can make a nice tone to match the story you have going. Good luck with continuing forward with this.

And of course, feel free to check out our game, Black Blizzard:


I just used placeholder assets to fit stuff in for the jam. I'm learning pixel art with the goal of making things more suited for the game. I agree on the music, I'm leaning towards no music for the outdoor sections once the storm starts picking up.

I need to add more healing items so I'll be going over the energy drink and the bandage descriptions. 

I have to agree that the random encounters are too common. I decided to leave them as is instead of buffing the exp rates because I kind of ran out of time at the end due to illness. I am going to investigate replacing random encounters in the larger outdoor areas with wandering enemies that trigger battle on contact like the zombie in the second apartment.