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文字獄 is exactly what a text adventure should be. Even if you don't like escape rooms, you should play just to see how Chinese Interactive Fiction is improving on language-based interactivity.

English: You can play Level 1 in English, but you may not recognize the sheer genius of the interface as it works better in Chinese than in English. I do think this concept could work marvelously in English, but an author might need to be a native speaker.

Interface: This is a parser hybrid. Instead of typing commands, the player can obtain action and object cards. Each is stored in a separate inventory. For example, if I "examine flowers" I might consequently obtain the ability to "smell flowers." (This is not a game example or spoiler.) You grab and drag the cards to a place in the sentence.

Game play: It's an escape room. This is not a ground-breaking concept but the author made the right decision here. (S)he's introducing a completely new kind of interface to the Chinese gaming community, after all. There simply were no parser games in Chinese until now.