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I found the idea good and the realization just wonderful. What I missed was the bright side of live. This mimics a subjective reality indeed, though I'd loved to see  it encouraging people to do little more about it. There are good things in life which doesn't involve money (at least yet). I moved abroad to start a second career living (almost) out of thin air, and yet I enjoyed it very much. Enjoying time with friends will always cost money? Internet is only used to get bills? There's no way of learning new things, and thee only way of getting a bit more money is doing a bit of overtime which will get you sick? No free museums? Libraries? Parks? Is Chile really that bad?

This (a bit) depressing sight of live is great for people not to feel alone and in despair, yet I missed the message that there are much more to it.

Just giving you an unrequested feedback, sorry for that!

Awesome work! Thanks for all the time, effort and love put into this project!

Best of luck!