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Ahem ahem: 

Zachary has made the foolish decision to wander into the Belltower woods in the dead of night. These woods are deep, dark, and ancient, notorious for the rumored hauntings that take place there. Due to their close proximity to an old graveyard, it is believed that restless spirits converge in these woods, using them for their dark rituals. As he hear a scream that splits the night, sending a chill down his spine, you begin to wonder if perhaps these rumors have some truth to them. 

{As Zachary heard the scream, he thinks to himself that maybe he shouldn't have came here.}

He enters into a small clearing, moonlight flooding into it and momentarily blinding him. A large purple portal opens up in the sky above the clearing and a girl falls out, screaming at the top of her lungs. Her wings are ablaze, trailing fire behind her. For a moment she looks like a shooting star. 

{Zachary looks up in the sky in shock.}

"What the..."

She hurtles towards the ground at a rapid rate, wings going out from momentum. She passes out. 

{Zachary runs over to her.}

"Hey are you okay?!"

{Zachary panics not knowing what to do.}

She hits the ground with a sickening crunch, wings splayed out around her. They're charred and bent at strange angles, completely unusable. They flutter once, helplessly, before falling still. 

"Maybe I can call 911?"

{He takes out his phone shaking, to only find out it's dead.}

"Shit, think Zachary."

{Zachary thinks of something to help, he carefully tries to pick up Esme, and starts walking to his house.}

Esme starts to come to at Zachary's house. She sits upright with a start 

Esme: AHHH! 

"What's wrong! Are you okay!"