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(1 edit) (+1)

Excellent job! I agree with other comments that controls are a little floaty and wall jumping takes some getting used to. The color coming back slowly is beautiful! Sound effects are basic but appreciated. The music is amazing! I wish I could restore the music sooner so I could hear it sooner.

Have you considered having sfx as something you need to restore (just like music)? That could be a fun little touch. I think a lot of the fun from playing the game is how gradually more and more juice (and thus fun) gets added as you restore the world.

Thank you for you feedback. I'm happy, that you liked it.

I considered having the sounds as something to be restored, but there were already sooo many collectibles in a single level, that I decided against it. Plus, the feedback of the color pellets "exploding" when revealing the color was very important for the whole effect. Maybe if I work on the game and make bigger, more open levels, I think about removing the sound again.