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"y-yeah maybe "

                                                                After he said that he pushed Semi to the wall whispering in her ear "maybe"

"I-I mean...why not?"

she kissed him wildly and soft at the same time

She put her hands in his hair playing with it

"uh I-I never thought this would happen "

"I-it's ok if u uhm...wanna stop.."

"n-no I'll happily do it if you want to"  

                                                               he smiled then he pushed Semi to the wall 

"wanna go to my room"


She smiled

he ran on the stairs in to his room then pushed Semi in the sheets .

*I love how rough he treats me*

"Are u sure u wanna do this..."

She blushes

"yeah now let's carry on"

                                                             *I wonder if she'll moan * 

She kissed him as if she need his mouth touching hers,her pussy became wet and she kept kissing more and more making her comfortable with his body 

*She moans from excitement and from her being wet*