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<ul><li>You need <u><strong>Direct3D 9</strong></u> to be installed. This is normally installed by your display drivers and or is built into Windows. Update: I've recently added D3DX9_43.dll and D3DCompiler_43.dll to the download, so hopefully it works out of the box. 
</li><li>Please don't copy these files into your <del>Program Files</del> directory. That's for programs that use "permissions". These files should belong to your Windows user account, so put them on your <del>Desktop</del> or user folder. 
</li><li><del>The game launcher may offend antivirus software, including Windows Defender. I apologize if Windows Defender deletes your files without warning. The EXE is <a href=""></a> renamed to the demo's title. Source code is at <a href=""></a> however the bulk of the code is in the SomEx.dll file, e.g. <a href=""></a>. (Please understand, I've no plans to change my work-life schedule to accommodate antivirus software. Sword of Moonlight is 20 year old software, so it has special needs that may raise red flags with antivirus.)</del> 