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(1 edit)

*I have beaten every level *

On mobile, in the first level you can still hear the sea, even when i turned off my phone's screen the sea sound was still here, it was driving me crazy. And this "when falling, teleport" still exists, other than that. Nothying bad, music on PC (without this stuppid sea) is fun, well fitting, just great, I mean I can listen to it even without playing the game.

I am happy that you added coins and attack, oh and crouch, although pressing Q or X is pretty annoying when moving with WSAD. And sometimes it is hard to feel depth, but it is normal in this graphic style.

YOu can only see on which levels you collected sea shells on fullscreen and not on normal window (at least in browser)

 The game is not that difficult, pretty balanced, but oh boi - level 3, I feel like there should be more checkpoints on it. I couldn't go any further, I mean this is not a smm2 kaizo, so I have beaten it after some struggle, but I realised that it gets annoying and boring quickly, when you are stuck on some level and can't beat it. 

I really like level design overall, but it gets a bit boring, when stages are that long and enemy/obstacle variety isn't that big. But please do not change your level design, because it is fun, for me it lacks (like I said) checkpoints and few different obstacles (like for example, sometimes a moving platform instead of just a wall to jump with boost)

I won't rate graphics, because, there are very 'game dependent' and I am not a professionalist.

I think this game might be good for speedrunning.

Overall this game is pretty fun to play as game of its (mayby call it "beginner indie") level. Just few more obstacles or helpers, idk... moving platforms, boost pads, flying enemies or sth.

Good sequel, definitely better, than first game. Keep up, the good work :)

Btw, how to pause and get to main menu, from level (if it is even possible) ?

EDIT: Yesss, the hidden level, that's great! Big plus for that!   Ooh and I ralised that I haven't used enemy eating (nearly) at all, like... few times in tutorial and then, no more than 5, probably.

Thanks for the constructive feedback! :D I will definitely take this into consideration for the next installment in this series. (Also, unfortunately there's no way to pause and get to the main menu from a level, sorry. :/) I also really agree with the obstacle variety issue. I'll definitely make sure the 3rd game has plenty more different enemies and obstacles.

Thanks for reply :)