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What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The procedural generation algorithm for the plant generation seems really fascinating. I'm very interested in how it was implemented and how the sprites are created based on user selections.
  • The background music is very cool, and the design of this game is interesting
  • The game looks so nice. I love the idea and it feels relaxing to play.
  • The plants generated by the game feel truly random, and the offspring of plants feel like offspring -- Music is a nice touch. I like that the game makes it easy to reset and generate random plants. Beautiful game layout, especially different styles of flowers. The background music is also very comfortable to plant flowers.
  • Pretty cool idea about generated context. It seems mystery to me to understand how it is designed, but it seems really cool. Maybe there is some interplotation & randomness skills inside it or heuristic algorithm that works. After all the algorithm is fancy which could generate a new plant while preserving the feature of two its parents (or raw materials).
  • I think the idea of the game is really cool. I like how breeding the same two plants can result in several different offspring possibilities. Nice job!

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • Since it is a sandbox game, I wished there was more space for more plants. Currently, the plants overlap on top of each other, especially the larger plants, which ruins the visual clarity of each plant. It becomes too clustered as you get larger/more plants.
  • Not really sure what could be said here? The game does what it's supposed to do. Maybe add a way to rearrange the plants in the grid?
  • Since it is a plaything, I think it is pretty cool to play. If you guys have more time to work on this, I think you guys can try incorporating this in an existing game genre.
  • At first, I don't know the rule and the aim of the game very clearly. It would be better if it can add some instruction page before. It would be better if it can add an instructive page before the game starts. At first, I don't know the rule and the aim of the game. Maybe it should add more strategy for user to win or lose.
  • Not sure it's stictly a game. It seems more like part of a composition system and focus on generating fancy plants via algorithms. It needs some more elements and resources to become a complete game, and maybe it could be added into your final project and be shiny there.
  • Some plants look like they take up more than one grid space. At first I thought this meant that it was possible to use only part of the plant for breeding, which doesn't seem to be the case.