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What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The goal is simple and clear 
  • 1) Cute music and UI! make me remind Super Mario. 2)  Record saved with random map, let player have interest to play it again.
  • used PCG generated random map. Good game feel , used sound effect.
  • This was a fun and simple puzzle platformer. The aesthetic and audio were good. The gameplay is simple, but fun. 

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I think the map can have more variations  
  • 1) Sometimes when I hit the wall, the whole screen will continue to shake. 2) The difficulty is much based on the random result of map. Maybe the distance of destination and box can be manually set based on a level or something.
  • The map is too big for pushing the create ,maybe decrease the map size will be better.