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What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The idea of game is very refreshing. It was not a typical game story you'd see in general. This game provides open world feeling. 
  • Love the style and tongue-in-cheek voice, as usual. This is an excellent pun. I am filled with visceral panic when Spelon's face changes mood. Really appreciate the size of the cave.
  • The game feels like a solid dungeon crawler - at first I felt infinite ammo was too OP, but then I realized the world is huge. Theres a lot to explore and I think thats a good thing. The game has an overall good feel.
  • 1) The way to generate this map is really interesting. 2) The artwork is fantastic haha! I like Elons's HEAD :) 3) The background music rendered a tense atmosphere.
  • The way the map generate is very cool
  • Used random map generation, guaranteed map to be generated and connected. Good game feel ,used sound effect.
  • The concept was very funny. Elon Musk was terrifying as he should be. Collecting bitcoin was fun. The shooting was nice. 

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • It  would have been better if there is a display of collection of bitcoins even though the creator want to focus more on dodging Dogecoin. 
  • 1) The whole map is a bit large, but player's speed is a bit slow. Sometimes if I am not lucky, I need quite a long time to find the true bitcoin. 2) There is no difference between fake and true bitcoins. I need to check them one by one. Maybe a little UI difference would be more helpful.
  • I don't think the level design is that interesting or impactful. It only really limits the movement and bullets of the player, but the shooting mechanic kind of makes the level design not as relevant. 
  • Enemy AI need to be improved. Currently enemy only go straight forward toward player and it  can pass through walls.
  • Maybe lower rate of fire or give Elon more health to make it easier to die. Maybe also add a map or landmarks so exploration isnt as difficult. Maybe make the player immobile while collecting the bitcoin so theres a cost to collecting the wrong one.
  • It is easy to pick off Spelon from afar. Spelon could use more AI -- there should be fewer of him, but more deadly. I think the environment should be more dark and ominous, perhaps resembling the lair of an evil mastermind crypto miner and his henchmen who are clones.
  • Elon can walk through the wall and also a bit too fast