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What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The resource system combined with the combat and AI management was incredibly well done. I especially loved the Game of Life style generation of the grass and trees and how the player could control the generation by the placement of where they planted seeds. The combat was very fun and I liked the different options that were given along with the percent chance for successfully landing the hit (reminded me of Fallout 4.) The game has a lot of depth and different strategies could be made depending on the generation of the map. 
  • I like the sprite and the idea of the game. It is fun to play.
  • I like the frog that can be used to collect resource and build wall for the player. That gives the player more control of the game.
  • Really interesting game that is well done. The level is wide, has enemies, and interesting mechanic. Reminds me of old strategy games. 
  • I really liked the concept of the game. The procedural generation added interesting formations to the game making each level interesting to navigate. I liked the idea of controlling the frog with the mouse and the player with WASD.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The scaling of the game made it a bit hard to see how everything was going on. Having so many variables to deal with was also complicated, but making the game turn-based helped to navigate it. 
  • The map is too big and can barely fit in one screen. I didn't get how to play it at first without seeing the resource board on the top.
  • There could be some instruction for frog since it takes me a while to figure out the way to use it.
  • What could have done better is maybe the sprite animations and bounding the level box to the screen, but otherwise is an interesting game. 
  • I spawned one time stuck inside of the wall, a fix to the player spawning would fix this. Simpler mechanics would make the game easier to understand. A fix to the viewport would help view the game. Sound effects and animations would add a lot to the game rather than showing the information in the text box above.