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(1 edit)

The Gamcore version is unofficial, so I can't upload the game there myself, I'd do it if I could, sorry.
Try asking the Gamcore's admins to upload to the new version!

ok what about extracting files? i dont know what its supposed to do

Just click "extract here", it will create a folder, and an application (OnceinaLifetime.exe) that you can run to play the game

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um it doesnt say extract here, it says extract all. its the application, right?

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That should work too, yes

sry im asking so many questions, what does extracting do to my files?

To your files? Nothing
The file you download from here is packed in a zip file, and you "extract" it to be able to play the game.
After you're done, you can delete eveything.

(1 edit) (+1)

ok, i did it and it works! thx