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First of all, my English is not good, so my thoughts and questions below are all translated by Google. I hope you can understand, or I wrote it correctly.

In addition to the "Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth" series, this is another Digimon game that I love crazy! really like! so fun! After playing for a long time, I really like the game you made!

Then, I have played until now, thinking of a few questions, so I want to ask.

1. Will more languages be added in the future? Will it increase online play?

2. The author, will more Digimon be added in the future? Will "X antibody" be added?

3. Will there be a "Digimon warehouse" in the future, where more Digimon can be placed? (Actually, I still want to train Death-X DORUgoramon but I don’t have a seat, so I want to ask.)

4. Will you join the final BOSS level of the protagonists of the animation generations in the future? (Such as Apoclymon, D-REAPER, etc.) (Belial Vamdemon already exists, so except)

5. Will you join the final BOSS level in Digimon game in the future? (Such as Eater, Vitium, OVERLORD GAIA, etc.).

The above are the questions I currently have in mind. Gone.

Also, thank you for making this game and making this game appear. It fulfilled my DIGIMON dream, thank you!

I love this game! (≧∇≦)ノ(≧∇≦)ノ(≧∇≦)ノ