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atoc is one of my absolute FAVORITE stories i could literally gush about it all day! you are so skilled at weaving an engrossing story that asks readers to think, remember, and connect. 

the build up and pacing of everything makes a ton of sense. the interpretation of "slow burn" across 4 different LIs and a bunch of varied crown personalities is HARD to manage but you pull it off so well. there's always new progression to note in every scene. there is no "fluff" in the writing in the sense that everything has an intent and purpose. in a plot like this it's key, and i think it was a really thoughtful choice that worked in your favor that this is an IF because the weight of everything is almost tangible when you read.

your skill in characterization and development really shines in chapter 6, especially now that we are beginning to peel back the layers of not only the LIs but also the crown and the antagonists. the conversations the characters have with the crown and with each other really make them feel like tangible personalities and that's part of what makes reading atoc so engaging. you don't want to miss ANY details because you never know which ones are going to be relevant later. from a gameplay standpoint it's incredibly compelling; your intent in regards to replayability really shines in this aspect of the work.

overall i'm INCREDIBLY excited to see where this story goes. you deserve ALL the laurels!

Your words of encouragement always help keep me going, it means so much to me 💖