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Here you will find my review with the gameplay video as well, hope this review and ideas that I am going to provide next will be great help for you if you want to work on this game… if you did updated this game, feel free to contact me so I will do a follow up video for it, I do need support though, so anyone who is seeing my reviews do subscribe to my YouTube channel, it will help me keep going.

  • As a starter, I noticed that there is no main menu and if you are going to work on this game, you might want to add one.
  • The game have no soundtracks or background music or even sound effects, which makes the game feel weird (at least sound effects of jumping)
  • I know you already explained your game in the page, but you should add that as well inside the game itself, it helps out to grasp and understand the basics.
  • Maybe in the future you add more platforms and levels. And it can be fun to introduce more concepts like Kanji with a learning/teaching purpose. Overall, I enjoyed the obstacles being made even it is extremely short game, and good luck in making more games.