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Echo: the train home isn't here for another hour.....

Kat:.. It's not like mom would be home.....

Echo: HAHA, please. she's probably partying it up at a nightclub, she doesn't give a sh*t about us...

they head back to the park

Kat spots Azurite and tries to stay out of her way

Echo: "seriously dude...?  get over it, what's done is done."

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She ' d notice them and spit out a , ` Hah . . ? ` , Before shaking her head and getting ready to skate .

Kat: ngggh...

Echo: "im not dealing with this Sh*t, your on your own little bro"

Kat: "we're the same age....."

"if you just stand there surprised ill be getting the 20 dollars before you even know it!" Miranda yelled

echo walks away, and calls up a friend

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She ' d laugh and Already be flying past you . She ' d laugh and say , ` I know you always say that and I'M BETTER AT CHEATING ~ ` She was wearing a jet pack and a Mini rocket 🚀 

"h-HUH?!" Miranda spit out in disbelief "oh no you dont !" miranda then used a undo spell she was working hard on for a moment like this she pointed it at Azurite's hair undoing the ponytail she did to make her hair get in her face

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Her hair got out of her face and went in back of her blocking your vison . She ' d yell , ` AS HELL THAT ' D WORK YOU KNOW MY HAIR OBEYS ME HAHA ! `

"shit" said Miranda " i should've expected that" she then makes her skateboard grow huger wings making it go so fast she almost fell off

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She ' d growl and say , ` DAMN RAT I ' LL STILL WIN ` , She ' d Grow Wings in the back of her Jet pack and mini Rocket . Upgrading the Mini Rocket into a Larger one and making her Hair into wings too . She ' d yell , still past you with flying colors , ` I WILL WIN I WONT LOSE EVER!!! `

Deleted 3 years ago

Echo was trying to reach her mom. as usual, her mom just decided to curse her out, then abruptly hung up on her.

Echo: . . . 

kat was sitting on  a bench nearby.

the sun was slowly going down

Echo: let's go home.. we have school tomorrow