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(1 edit)

Very good gaem. I got to blow up only one of their reactors because it take me a couple of tries to understand the mechanics.

The good: The feeling of being inside a game that is inside a game, the HUD and the way the world shows the doors when the PC is not inside the room where the door is. The SFX of the water footsteps, and the music inside the buildings, it sounds a bit like Lisa: the painful.

The bad: Nothing... only my lack of skills and time.

The things that can be better: Being able to use other keys in the Numpad to use the inventory or pickup items, where's the SFX of the rain? (💡 it could sound far away when the player is inside the game), and more things to do in the house.

Most of the time I was thinking that a stealth game with this look and feel would be terrific... so please do one!