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Hi Yuminous, thank you for the compliments and for trying out the game. I'm really happy to hear you enjoy the game even for its lack of content.

Also, thank you for the detailed feedback, I appreciate the time you have taken to provide a deep evaluation of the early phase of the game.

Yes, its a good point to note regarding the projectile trajectory when teleport is being use, since when activated, all movement is halted making it difficult for players to predict where the next projectiles are going too. I do apologize for the lengthy tutorial trying to explain the game's mechanics (^_^;)  and I will take your concern into consideration in a future update by streamlining the tutorial.

Its true the story is hard to judge with just one level (the tutorial level) so no worries there will be tons of more story coming in each stage release.

Once again, thank you for taking a thorough and deep interest in the game. I hope to have more feedback from you when the full game is out!