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I have to correct some things in the list,

So, there are Legendaries in General Armor, as I got dropped 'Running Boots of Glory', which is Legendary graded, I guess you just go really unlucky with the drops.
Also, in Magic Amore there is a Legendary Acessory named 'Triple Force Emblem', so don't miss out on those.

Now on another note, how do I get Roses?

I easily grinded each boss 10 times already and I still didn't get one singular rose, am I missing something, or am I really just really unlucky?

Thanks for the information, The Rose seeds may be part of the prize won after a supervisor fight, seems to be random. They are used with organic fertiliser to produce a Thorny Rose

(1 edit)


There are another Legendaries General Armors : Belduro, Nature's protector and Sir Swirl, Master of Evasion