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Thank you sooo much for this in-depth critique!  I spent too much time trying to get the basic spawn patterns down, so I completely forgot about adding a title screen.  I was planning on making this a Pc/mobile game but dropped trying to make the adjustments for mobile.  I added the keyboard controls but forgot to change the interface😂

I was having trouble stopping the player on the boundaries and didn't have time to fix it before submitting.  I'll be fixing that in the next update!

I know exactly which pattern you're talking about.  I'll change the spawn location and telegraph it better.  I'm not too sure what sound the boss is making that's deafening, but I'll make sure to clean it up so it's not so loud. 

As for the health bar, I'll make it more representative of your actual health.  As of the current version, the player's health is represented by numbers instead of icons.  I have made a huge error in design by making the special bar look like a health bar.  That's why it looks like you have more health than you do.  I'm considering adding it to the screen with the player. 

I really appreciate the feedback.  It helps so much. I will most definitely be finishing this game within the next month or two so be sure to follow for updates!  I look forward to more input in the future😊