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Suggestion: You need to establish where the player is at the start of the level, highlight the player or work out some other way of bringing attention to the players origin. There is a reason why other games to it. Its an indicator to me that you need more playtesting and be a bit more objective about what it is you are making. 

One thing that does bother me, does the crouch actually add anything of value to the game? If it doesn't, ditch it you game is nice and simple without it.  

Why is it medical mayhem? Is it just because your main character is pill shaped? 

Wesley, your gym level's floor is very dark. Melina, I had fun playing your level, it was very clearly laid out. 

Again, play test - the turrets shape language get lose because you are using flick screen so work on that. Also to underline this use distinctive SPFX and vary the SFX, consider an ambient loop. 

Looking forward to playing the next build  - remember to review and iterate.