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The game was good. The graphics, interesting characters, witty-named items, and the little things you could interact with all made it a pleasant experience. The game-play got kind of bland after day five or so, though. I think adding in more cool little events like the robbery would've helped avoid dullness. ( The other  stuff like Chloe getting a job as a news reporter, a man selling masks, and the lady missing her head, I don't consider an event.) On the seventh day, I was honestly expecting some grand finale or weird plot twist of sorts. Maybe something to do with the  "Mortis" near the end, but to my ironic surprise, nothing crazy happened. The part where you could choose five products for yourself was a clever, fun little addition. Besides that, I was a bit disappointed with how it ended. The game itself has a ton of potential. It mainly just needs some tweaking plot-wise. 

Other mentions:

-Good music

-Interesting lore

-Perfect walking-speed 

-Great character designs

All in all, if I had to rate the game 1/10, I'd give it a 7/10.


Oxymoronically, thank you for playing, glad you liked it. Originally the ending was going to be different, there was going to be something with The Great Mortis, but in a future game i'll add more to the Underworld, but with a different game mechanic.