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What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • This is a solid premise for a resource game. It is nice to watch things grow, and profit off this growth. Using a sickle to harvest flowers is satisfying.
  • The resources system is good. Good game art on the game.
  • The artwork and UI was very intuitive. The game felt very relaxing and was well made for a prototype. 
  • I think the game is great! Overall, you did a nice job with resource handling. At first it feels like it takes too long for the flowers to grow, but that is just an incentive to buy fertilizer. Since fertilizer is quite expensive at the beginning, the player has to decide how much of it is worth it in order to maximize gold.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • As discussed in class, there is a single optimal strategy (to use as much fertilizer as possible), and so no real tradeoff between resource types. Personally, I would do away with the timer: I think management sims should be open-ended and support multiple play-styles, rather than being about speed. I wanted to slow down and smell the roses a bit more.
  • Clicking the different controls was difficult without a defined pointer (I wasted 30s trying to select the sickle tool.) The optimum strategy was also easy to discover (plant seeds and get fertilizer early on to maximize profits quicker.) 
  • The time limit may be not necessary. Maybe allow user buy more places to grow the flowers will be a better option. The fertilizers is always the better option cause the the player always need to but fertilizers.
  • Sometimes clicking on the sickle doesn't register, which can get frustrating due to the time limit.