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What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The game feeling was great with the good graphics. It used the concept of resources well. 
  • The game looks really completed with nice art and music.
  • The sprite design and the sound effects were really well done. 
  • Game feel is good, Used Sound effect and pixel art resource.  Money as game resource make the game more playable.
  • It was pretty enjoyable to play this game (up to level 61!), at which point my range was so huge that moving through the levels had become pretty trivial. It's very satisfying to collect coins, and I like the coin animations as well as the ladders leading from one level to the next.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • It would have been better if the game automatically starts in full screen mode. Sometimes the game windows move around when it was pressed with arrow key. 
  • The controls were a bit lagging and not very responsive which made the game hard to navigate. The levels also became stale very quickly since it was the same enemies and the same layout every time. 
  • The control is a little bit tricky, Maybe use mouse button for attack will make the control easier. May be add different type of weapon will add a trade off for player to choose different weapon.
  • The game is a little bit hard for me, so I didn't really touched the resource system.
  • There is not really a tradeoff between resources here. The optimal strategy is to replenish health when necessary, then level up the range of the weapon as much as possible. After pretty much the first weapon upgrade, the game becomes kind of trivially easy. It would be nice if enemies could scale up in difficulty to match the player, making the game more challenging.