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What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I really liked the theme of the game with its resource management for war. I think it teaches a lesson about strategic weapons for different scenarios and the cost of war.
  • I really liked the idea behind buying ammo and having different ammo types cost different amounts. The design of the game looks good too, as well as the name. The game has a good level of difficulty. 
  • The game is well designed and I like the intro a lot. 
  • I like the music effects when shooting and game over. Also, using the revenue to change bullets which are more expensive is really a good way to show resource in a game. Excellet game design!
  • -Very fun to play and great sound effects as well

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I wished the bullet projectiles from both the players and enemies were bigger. Sometimes it was difficult to see the projectiles because they were so small, especially the normal laser.
  • Animations and screen shake could make it feel more immersive. Background music would add nice atmosphere. Different enemies and more weapons would be a good addition.
  • The play frame is too big and I cannot see the shooter and resource information at the same time.  
  • -Nothing much, i think this game does a great job in utilizing recourses
  • Maybe the final revenue can be used to buy some other weapons in a store, which should be fine and more interesting. Also, it would be better if it can beautify the background.