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What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The sound effect and the way to play is very creative
  • 1) Simple and easy to get familiar with. 2) Only need to consider fuel, without other complex resources that player needs to check
  • I like that you kept it simple with the only resource being fuel. The movement of the player is also very smooth and I like the sound effects.
  • The game is easy and interesting to play. The graphics are simple but easy to understand what is going on.

- It's a skillable game which needs opeartion over the rocket, avoid colliding with the the rocks and the borders. This increases the depth of the game, and adding the resource system do an auxiliary job to the mechanics. 

- Nice design of fuel bar. Since it's the only resource, it gives a clear view of how to play the game  (avoid dieing and collect fuels), which make the player focus on operating the characters rather than read the architecture of complex resource system.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The start position is a bit too close to the meteors which is a bit hard to avoid.
  • 1) Fuel may run out quickly. 2) Player can fly rocket for a long time, but it cannot receive any rewards as feedback, I think the survive time may also add as score.
  • - It takes me a while to understand the rocket cannot directly collide with the rocks without boost. Maybe there need a clear guide on game's ending condition.

- I can see the collision detection uses box model, maybe it could do better polishing the collision model and its scoring/guide page. 

  • Perhaps you could add a high score counter to incentivize players to play again. I think it would also be interesting if there was some more variability in the game. For example, different types of asteroids could cost different amounts of fuel to blow up.
  • The game could involve more types of resources. Sometimes the meteor just suddenly appears and player has no time to dodge or destroy the meteor before hitting it.