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Devs can you explain the battle mechanics?

  • In a nutshell, Riposte (rock) beats Slash (scissors) beats Parry (paper) beats Riposte. 
    • If you want your opponent alive by the end of the dual use Subdue attacks only. If you use any other attack even once your opponent will die if you beat them.
    • Aggressive attacks deal double damage if you win but you suffer double damage if you lose.
    • Defensive attacks are the opposite: if you hit you deal half damage but if you get hit, you also suffer only half the damage.
    • Ogre (during the day): 70% of Riposting
    • Ogre (during the night): trouble. His attack patterns is 'R','R','R','P','S','R','R','R','P','P'
    • Gelbart: 70% of Slashing
    • Forest of Faith Guards: 33% for R, P or S. Just get out of the forest on time.
    • Angilia: 70% of Parrying

Hope this helps!

Thanks that is a big help for me