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Hey! Thank you for trying our game and thank you so much for the review! We had fun watching your video on youtube and we have subbed to you!

About the ad campaign, we should talk in private for the charge and stuffs; do email us at 

We appreciate for all the points shared with us. We apologize for the bug you faced. If you still remember, can you describe how the bug occurs and can it be reproduced? We have yet to received any reports regarding that. Perhaps a simple relaunch of the game would fixed it. We are happy to know you had a great experience playing Memories of East Coast, indeed we have carefully crafted the story and carefully picked suitable music so it fits with the story and boosts up the immersion. We thank you once again for the review, we hope your channel will grow bigger and faster! InshaAllah!

Such an amazing game, I enjoyed a lot and the bug is being fixed easy as you said (I fixed it that day when I recorded)

I will send you an email now.