just recently downloaded the app for the Quest 2. the hand tracking isn't so great on Quest 2, so I can understand there being some glitches. the Keyboard calibration was very off though, not sure if that's because im using an electronic keyboard vs. a grand piano...
one VERY important note: the option to playback MIDI songs and see the notes being played is very cool, but I personally really wanted to be able to bring in my own PDF sheet music so I could play while reading the music in VR. I almost assumed this would be a feature, given this is how people actually learn how to play piano. Practically speaking, it takes much much longer to learn songs playing from MIDI as opposed to reading the sheet music. Converting MIDI's into playable notes does nothing more than turn these beautiful piano pieces into complicated beat saber songs. Fun to play, easy on the ears, but not much depth, emotion, or actual learning is produced.
This is a long passionate way of saying, I love the idea, and it would be that much better if we could just bring our own PDF Sheets into VR and read them while playing!