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What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • The game idea is really fun and interesting, and the appealing visuals made me want to play and figure out the game.
  • The game has many levels and keeps me thinking while playing. It shows different levels of skill depth and I enjoy it.
  • A very nice design and a very well implemented game. It eats the bottle and sends the bullet to destroy the blobs. The 3D background is also similar to real-world wall, which gives more feelings to play this game.
  • The background story of the game is interesting. The goal is different from normal gamess, which puzzles me when I first play this game. However after times of attempt, I get to know the red exit is to expand the vertical, and the green one to the horizontal. Also, avoiding using bullets tends to reduce the blobs while using it increase your enemy, which reminds me of the setting of Undertale. This type of Peace setting provides multilpe ways to win and even multiple storyline and endings.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • Even with the instructions in the description, it is difficult to fully understand what the objective is and what is good or bad. Having audio or visual response to the various actions would be very helpful and make the game more satisfying to play.
  • There are circumstances that will result in an inevitable failure (for example, the enemy blocks the only way out while you cannot shoot in that direction.). It might be better if we can shoot in a different direction while moving.
  • When I play for a while, it becomes easier. We only need to shot to the blobs? Meanwhile, the blobs sometimes may go to the black area, which is outside the room. I think it can increase more green bubbles with the difficulty increases.
  • After playing the game again and again, I still don't know what the ethereal red potion serve as well as the red-eye blob. Maybe there needs extra hint about how they work and a clearer ending conditions. By the way, there is something wrong about the setting. After several rounds, the lower and right bound is not visible in the map. Maybe you could provide a fullscreen setting.