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Literally created an account on this site so I could come on here and tell you how  much I LOVE Butterfly Soup

Right from the beginning, it felt polished and professional. I felt like I could trust the direction you were taking it and I could trust that it was worth my time. It is beautiful and technically works well.  That gave it a really solid foundation.

As I played, it didn't take me long to get fully invested in all the characters. The dialogue had me laughing so hard I had to send screencaps to my friends because I NEEDED someone else to understand how brilliant it was. I really appreciated the memes (aND THE OOFURI REFERENCE THANK YOU THAT'S MY FAV MANGA/ANIME EVER). The integration of the Matt Mulholland recorder version of 'My Heart Will Go On" was ABSOLUTE perfection and I need everyone to experience those scenes klajhfdlkshfdls

As the plot progressed, I started realizing how real the characters felt in both their strengths and their hurts. They were damaged and flawed. All of the main group were facing some pretty dark stuff in their personal lives with different reactions: denial, anger, resignation, fear. I swear I've heard some of my own friends almost exactly echo some of the characters' lines - especially Akarsha's. (I won't go into detail to save from spoilers in case anyone who hasn't played is reading this!) 

I completed this a couple days ago and haven't been able to get it out of my mind. I've gone back to read through certain parts again and I've recommended it to my friends. It was just the mix of endearing and emotionally resonant that I needed right now.

Oh. And it was super gay. And that was great.

Definitely recommend this to anyone considering it. Also, if you can, pay the $5 and get the extra sketches!! Totally worth it. I found it super interesting and there were some very cute sketches mY HEART  (and of course the bonus of supporting the artist is a huge plus eyyyyy)

Anyway -- I love this, your work is important and kind and good and has brought me a lot of joy. I can see that you put a lot of heart and hard work into it and I'm so grateful. Thank you for what you do.